January 07, 2015

Kept this quiet for a while as we've had it sorted for a month or two. But we're going to be putting out a tape of the new release coming from Rebirth, who are a metallic hardcore band from Melbourne Australia. You can here their first demo that came out a few months ago below. Musically it sounds like the current Foundation with some very different vocals. The band speak very openly about political issues on their facebook page & the lyrical content is along the same lines too, a hardcore band keep the message & ideas alive. They also have been donating a lot of money to charities in Australia, by a lot of money I mean hundreds of $$$. These guys seriously seem to have their heads screwed on right. I'm really excited to work with my close friend Kane at Cause & Effect Records again on this, as well as seeing what the band have in store next in their songs. They've been a bit of a hit from what I've seen in their own country, getting through 3 pressings of the demo on cassette.


Also this weekend is overturn's first show in Southampton, & Splitknuckle are playing in Plymouth (there isn't a flyer though). Going to start documenting the flyers of shows our bands are playing too on this site.