A lot of people have spoke to me about whether Empire of Blood will be seeing a reprint or not. I 100% guarantee that it will be re-printed, just at this current time i'm not too sure when exactly, whenever it is able to be printed it will be. Due to this, I thought i'd put some of it online for those who were eager to read something before then. This is the 2nd part of the zine which is an interview with John from Repentance, this is this the best way I could get it on here right now as my publisher trial has run out to copy & paste it across, ***so be sure to click on each photo section as you scroll through in order to read it clearly, or you may also zoom in your screen***. The main section of the zine is a lot longer & discuss' many different sections on animal rights & includes some humorous pictures, so if you think you would want to buy the zine get in touch because we could take payment in advance which would result in being able to get it sent to the printers again sooner.
I always think it's really cool when I hear about how in older times hardcore shows / the scene was full of people & tables with animal rights zines & leaflets etc. In the time I've gone to shows in the UK I can't really recall seeing anything similar, so when we are able to have stools at shows we will have flyers & such with us to try & emulate how things once were & offer people some things to look into / think about.
I want to send my thanks out to John for allowing me to probe his thoughts & sharing my vision with what I wanted to achieve with this interview. This interview was carried out at the start of June 2014. Also I've just realised there are a couple of pages / questions missing in this version, so i'll try get them up ASAP.